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Sea Trek Cares

For over 40 years Sea Trek has loved and cared for nature and our communities with your help


Hundreds of kids on becoming stewards of the bay

Giving Back

Thousands of dollars and in-kind donations to local caring non-profits

Sea Trek Regatta

Annually Benefits Adventurers with disabilities with E.T.C.


Grab a litter pick-me-up bag at our rental check-in counter

Stepping up caring with you

Together we are helping to create a more sustainable, protected, and healthy bay.

Because of YOU and your love of paddling with us, we have been able to be an active leader in our communities for over 40 years. Together we are helping to create a more sustainable, protected, and healthy bay. All the deeper personal experiences we have shared on the water, enriching connections with nature and people while adventuring, and education and awareness building has made a difference. We all feel it.

In 2017, we stepped it up and launched Sea Trek CARES™ in order to focus even more resources on promoting, encouraging, and providing increased opportunities for greater community involvement and collaboration for bay conservation and stewardship.

Sea Trek recognizes the growing desire and need in our customers–just like you–to be more active stewards of Richardson Bay and San Francisco Bay.

Our experience shows us that once people of any age feel a deeper appreciation, personal connection, and even a sense of ownership with the bay, they want to take some action (however minor) to care. We can’t thank you all enough for caring with us. Let’s see what the future brings together…

Proud to be supporting the following organizations and many others

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    Frequent Paddler Pass

    $175 for 10 hours kayak & SUP rental in both locations!

    Save 50% on your next kayak or SUP rental.

    The Perks:

    Can be used in Sausalito or Alameda
    Can be used for up to 4 people at once
    Never expires

    Purchase your Frequent Paddler Pass on your next visit to Sea Trek!

    Saturday, July 27

    Sausalito Hours

    June 1 – August 31
    Monday – Friday  9am – 5pm
    Saturday – Sunday  8:30am – 5pm

    Alameda Hours

    June 1st – September 30th
    Monday – Friday 9 am – 4pm
    Saturday – Sunday 8:30 am – 5pm