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Wind & Weather Report

Sausalito WeatherAlameda Weather

Conditions can change rapidly. Use the wind and weather report as a guide to help you decide if it’s a good day for a paddle. For questions about the current conditions, give us a call at 415.332.8494.

Sausalito Current Weather Forecast

Sausalito Live Camera Feed.

Note conditions may be different outside the view of the camera. During the summer months it tends to be most windy in front of Sea Trek and then calmer to the north or south. For questions about the current weather feel free to call us at 415.332.8494.

Alameda Current Weather Forecast

Alameda Live Camera Feed.

Note conditions may be different outside the view of the camera.  For questions about the current weather feel free to call us at 415.332.8494.

FAQs about weather

How do I know if it’s a good day to paddle?

Generally, there are two main factors people consider before paddling: temperature and wind conditions. Some paddlers prefer warm and sunny conditions, while others are fine with wearing layers and still enjoy paddling when it’s cool and overcast. However, the biggest factor to consider is the wind conditions. 

How do I know what level wind I can paddle in?

In part this depends on whether you want to paddleboard or kayak. In general you’ll need to look for calmer conditions for Stand Up paddling as kayaks are easier to manage in the wind.

If you are a beginner Stand Up paddler look for conditions where the wind is 6mph or less. For more experienced SUPers you can go up to 8-10mph.

If you are a beginner kayaker but are physically active than anything under 8-10mph is reasonable. Otherwise look for calmer conditions.

More advanced kayakers are usually fine in conditions up to 12mph.

That said, the wind report is not always accurate and many times paddlers can still enjoy being on the water on windy days if they stick to our shoreline. Also, as a general rule of thumb, calmer conditions year-round–but especially during the summer–occur in the early morning hours.

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    Friday, July 26

    Sausalito Hours

    June 1 – August 31
    Monday – Friday  9am – 5pm
    Saturday – Sunday  8:30am – 5pm

    Alameda Hours

    June 1st – September 30th
    Monday – Friday 9 am – 4pm
    Saturday – Sunday 8:30 am – 5pm